I am a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Medical Sciences in Poznan. During my studies I was a member of the Polish Association of Dental Students and the European Association of Dental Students. I did my internship both in Poznan and in Wroclaw, among others at the Polyclinic of the Military Hospital in Wroclaw in the office of dental surgery. After graduation in 2008 I started my professional practice in a private clinic in Wroclaw specializing in the treatment of children. Since then, besides surgery, treating children has become my professional goal and passion. After finishing my internship, I worked at the Clinic of Aesthetic Dentistry, where I improved my knowledge and qualifications in making patients’ dreams of not only a healthy but also a beautiful smile come true. I also treated small patients, which is why I initiated there a method of treating children without fear and pain in nitrous oxide (laughing gas). I am an advocate of atraumatic treatment for children, so I do my best to ensure that a visit to the dentist does not evoke negative associations in them. I have developed my own “way of dealing” with a small patient, such that the effect of a complete cure is achieved without any trauma to the future. Starting from professional adaptive visits, adjusted to the age and emotional development of a child, through pharmacological premedication that eliminates fear and anxiety to the treatment of children under anesthesia, when it is necessary and the above mentioned methods prove ineffective. I perform treatments in the field of conservative dentistry, prosthetics and surgery as well as aesthetic medicine. I am an advocate of minimally invasive dentistry, I have knowledge and experience in replacing missing teeth without any damage or interference with adjacent teeth. I am constantly raising my qualifications and enriching my knowledge and skills by participating in numerous courses and trainings. I also accept English speaking patients.
Privately mom of two boys Alexander and Julian, interests - winter sports, swimming, travelling.
Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie. Podczas studiów aktywnie działała w Polskim Towarzystwie Studentów Stomatologii. Stale podnosi swoje kompetencje uczestnicząc w licznych kursach i dedykowanych szkoleniach. Zajmuje się leczeniem zarówno dzieci i dorosłych kładąc nacisk na odpowiednią higienę. W swojej pracy kieruje się indywidualnym podejściem do pacjenta.
Pani Doktor interesuje się metodami minimalnie i mało inwazyjnymi, które umożliwiają przywrócenie estetyki jak i prawidłowej funkcji. Prywatnie miłośniczka podróży, psów i aktywnego trybu życia.
Graduate of the Wrocław Medical University in 2012. Member of PTE (Polish Endodontic Society) and ITI (International Team for Implantology).
He has completed the Endodontic Curriculum and the one-year Periodontal Curriculum “Periopractice”, among others. He specializes in endodontic treatment and periodontal surgery. In treatment he focuses on microscopic dentistry, therefore all treatments are performed under magnification and in the least invasive way possible. Moreover he participates in many courses and trainings in the range of endodontics, periodontology, implantology and mucosal and gingival surgery.
Currently he focuses his professional interests on the development around endodontics, implantology, aesthetic medicine and...dietetics. He is aware of the limitations that each of us has, so he focuses on teamwork.
In his spare time he enjoys rowing and mountain biking.
Absolwentka kierunku lekarsko-dentystycznego na Uniwersytecie Medycznym w Poznaniu.
Po odbyciu stażu w 10. Szpitalu Wojskowym rozpoczęła szkolenie specjalizacyjne w
dziedzinie stomatologii dziecięcej w Akademickiej Poliklinice Stomatologicznej we
Wrocławiu. W leczeniu małych pacjentów stawia na budowanie zaufania oraz współpracę z opiekunami. Każdy uśmiechnięty i zadowolony pacjent daje jej dużą satysfakcję, radość oraz motywację do dalszej pracy.
Jako stomatolog, dąży to ciągłego rozwoju , stale podnosząc swoje kwalifikacje .Wierzy w osiąganie świetnych rezultatów pracą zespołową. Oprócz stomatologii dziecięcej jej inną medyczną pasją jest medycyna estetyczna . Obecnie jest w trakcie specjalistycznych studiów podyplomowych w tej dziedzinie na Śląskiej Wyższej
Szkole Medycznej w Katowicach . Istotne jest dla niej szukanie indywidualnych , dających naturalne efekty rozwiązań, które jednocześnie przynoszą wspaniałe samopoczucie, optymizm oraz wzrost samooceny.
Prywatnie chwile relaksu spędza z dobrą książką oraz na długich spacerach.
Graduated dental faculty at the Medical University im. Piastów Śląskich in Wrocław. In the years 2015-2022, she worked both clinically and didactically at the Department of Maxillofacial Orthopaedics and Orthodontics/ Division of Facial Abnormalities. She provides orthodontic treatment of children and adults in an interdisciplinary approach. She always tries to choose individual treatment for the patient, taking into account the aesthetics, function and stable effect. She constantly improves her qualifications by attending orthodontic courses.
She completed, among others, a 2-year advanced orthodontic FACE course, emphasizing the stability of the occlusion in harmony with the temporomandibular joints. She is a member of PTO (Polish Orthodontic Society).
A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at Karol Marcinkowski University in Poznań and the Faculty of Chemistry at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. During 10 years of professional work his interests have focused mainly on endodontics, conservative dentistry and orthodontics. He expanded his knowledge and skills in these areas by participating in numerous courses in the broad field of dentistry. He cattier out specialization studies in the field of Orthodontics on Master di II Livello at the Italian Universita degli Studi di Siena.
A graduate of the Karol Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznan. Currently in the course of specialization within the residency in Periodontology and a participant of a year-long Practicum in Implantology. A graduate of the PTE Endodontic Curriculum. Participant of numerous specialization courses and trainings in dental surgery, periodontology with perio-surgery, mucosal and gingival surgery, implantology and microscopic endodontics. He constantly expands his knowledge and improves practical skills. The patient’s welfare is his priority. He puts patient comfort and painlessness of the procedures in the first place. Member of PTP (Polish Society of Periodontology) and ITI (International Team for Implantology).
Dentist during specialization in dental surgery at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at 4th Military Hospital in Wroclaw. I graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw. I am constantly developing myself in all fields of dentistry, with particular emphasis on dental surgery and maxillofacial surgery. I am also interested in plastic surgery and physiotherapy of the head and neck. Outside of work I am passionate about long distance mountain running.
A dental assistant with many years of experience. She has undergone numerous courses and trainings in oral hygiene, as well as assisting in procedures. She has been associated with the clinic from the very beginning. She approaches each patient with a smile and kindness. In her free time she enjoys reading, cooking and roller-skating.
Business management specialist, creative person open to new experiences and warm to people. She is eager to help our big and small patients with their first contact with our office.
Zajmuje się Edukacją oraz promocja zdrowia,skutecznie i z pełnym zaangażowaniem prowadzi pacjentów w każdym wieku. Indywidualne podejście do każdego pacjentka pozwala naszej Higienistce dobrać odpowiedni program leczenia profilaktycznego, tak aby każdy pacjent czyli się w pełni zaopiekowały. W klinice zajmuję się higienizacją jak i również asystą przy zabiegach stomatologicznych .Dyplomowana Higienistka Stomatologiczna z wieloletnim doświadczeniem.
Z zamiłowaniem wykonuje swoją pracę, stałe podnosząc swoje kwalifikacje między innymi z profilaktyki periodontologicznej, oraz implantologii.
She has received training and practice in the field of widely understood dental assisting. She worked as an administrator and assistant in a private dental clinic. She has extensive experience working on surgical procedures. She enjoys working with children and easily establishes rapport with patients. In her free time she is interested in music, good movies, photography and likes to travel.
Conveniently schedule your appointment online. Each booking must be confirmed by a doctor, after the doctor accepts the date you will receive an email confirming the appointment.
The clinic is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We invite you to register by phone
tel. 692 77 80 11
Perle Dental Clinic, 12 Konwaliowa St.
55 - 040 Bielany Wrocławskie
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